SNF (this will be flexed out for Vikings/Pats, Lions/Rams, Falcons/Ravens, or Steelers/Chargers): 49ers vs Seahawks Yeah Sunday Night and Thursday Night got the better games aside from Chiefs/Rams. Pats/Bills? 9ers/Giants? Titans twice? Good ole Broncos/Raiders on Christmas Eve? Ratings are about to take an epic dive. No worries, there really isn't much reason to watch MNF the rest of the year outside of the Rams/Chiefs game. And yeah, that MNF mashup/whatever the hell it is supposed to be intro song is so awful it makes Carrie Underwood's annual SNF snooze fest of a song feel like Bohemian Rhapsody. Why they signed a guy who never created much attention aside from "trusty, 'ole reliable Jason Witten" is a mystery. Not every former player is made for the booth. Romo has been an absolutely phenomenal broadcaster. He never exemplified that "star" persona the way Romo did, at least the way that Romo attracted attention and generated some buzz. After that, I'm not sure who else is a really good crew.Ĭompletely agree with Witten. Michaels and Collinsworth is the best NFL announcing team at the moment followed by Nantz and Romo.
#Worst mnf game ever how to
The problem is he has no clue how to keep an even keel and save his theatrics for the big plays. I've never liked McFarland at all and Tessitore is good in doses. I guess I don't understand why you'd hire someone like Witten who has never called games and never really struck me as telegenic to be your color guy.